With a Session for Teachers on July 13
-- 28 June 2018 | T. Russo
The New Chaucer Society has chosen to meet at the University of Toronto, July 10-15, 2018. This conference, as the Medieval Academy of America (MAA) did in 2017, will have a session discussing ways to teach Chaucer and Medieval Literature for teachers, focusing on secondary schools.
The Society's mission is to provide a forum for teachers and scholars of Geoffrey Chaucer and his age. The society tries to advance this mission at biennial international congresses of Chaucerians, with the annual Studies in the Age of Chaucer, and with a semiannual newsletter. The society also supports the Annotated Chaucer Bibliography and other projects. The society welcomes elementary and high school teachers as members and all persons interested in the study of Chaucer and his age. Members receive subscriptions to Studies in the Age of Chaucer and the newsletter. High school libraries can only subscribe to Studies in the Age of Chaucer.
At this year's congress, a seminar is scheduled on Friday at 11:00AM, entitled "Making Room for Chaucer in Secondary Schools (session 7J), organized by Jessica Rezunyk of Upper Canada College and Lee Read of Wilde Lake High School. Three examples of teaching Chaucer in High School will be discussed with Vincent Lankewish (Professional Performing Arts High School), Mary Kay Waterman (The Lovett School), and David Raybin (Eastern Illinois University).
(Seminar to take place in Northrop Frye Building, RM119)
Teachers may also find interesting "Five Easy Pieces: Augmented Teaching of Texts, Temporalities, and Fields" (session 10F), organized and moderated by Thomas Goodmann (University of Miami) and scheduled for Saturday at 11:00AM.
The society will be focusing on high school, but in Ontario topics of the Middle Ages are first introduced in fourth grade. There are publications of Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales for young readers in translation. In addition, elementary and high school teachers may find The British Library and other museums helpful with information about Chaucer, especially those museums with manuscripts of The Canterbury Tales.

The British Library features this folio and discusses Chaucer the poet and public servant, see the museum site at https://www.bl.uk/people/geoffrey-chaucer
The British Library Resources on Chaucer:
by BL staff
by BL staff
with UK curriculum materials for ages 16-18
by Jenny Stevens
with UK curriculum materials for ages 16-18
How to cite this blog:
Russo, Teresa. "New Chaucer Society to Meet for Biennial International Congress in Toronto: With a Session for Teachers on July 13." Teaching the Middle Ages, June 28, 2018; revised 2022, https://www.teachingthemiddleages.com/post/new-chaucer-society-to-meet-for-biennial-international-congress-in-toronto.