With a Session for Teachers
01 March, 2019 | TMA

The Renaissance Society of America (RSA) meets annually to present new research on topics of the Early Modern period but panels on Dante and Boccaccio organized by the Dante Society of America (DSA) and the American Boccaccio Association (ABA) are often included in the program among other panels on late Medieval subjects.
RSA is the largest international organization dedicated to the study of the world from 1300-1700. The Society sponsors digital publications and offers an annual journal, Renaissance Quarterly, through the Cambridge University Press.
In the area of the Middle Ages, Jonathan Combs-Schilling, Ohio State University and
Teresa Russo, University of Toronto organized a panel, entitled “The Lives of Dante: Poetics, Visual Arts, Historiographies.” Chaired by DSA president, Albert Russell Ascoli of University of California, Berkeley (Tuesday 2PM, Speakers)
Sponsored by the ABA has organized three panels: "Writing the Body in Boccaccio’s Works" (Organized and Chaired by Kristina Olson, George Mason University; Monday 9AM); Narrating in Boccaccio’s Decameron (Organized and Chaired by Valerio Cappozzo, University of Mississippi; Monday 11AM); Religion, Politics, and Daily Life in Boccaccio’s Works (Organizer: Valerio Cappozzo, University of Mississippi and Chair: Teresa Russo, University of Toronto; Monday 2PM)
Other late medieval topics include: “Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio and the Poetics of the Early Italian Renaissance I”; “Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio and the Poetics of the Early Italian Renaissance II;Dante: Searching for Multiple Intersections; Female Religious Authority in the Late Middle Ages”; Digital Tools for Medieval and Renaissance Italian Texts and topics on Humanism. See RSA Progam for more details.
RSA also has a panel for HS teachers: “The RSA High School Program.” The workshop, chaired by Clare Carroll of Queens College and The Graduate Center/CUNY, is scheduled for Sunday, March 17 at 6:15PM in the Osgoode Ballroom West, Sheraton Centre Toronto with speakers Jessica Garrett of the Murray City School District and Maggie Ray of Prince George’s County Public Schools.
The Society offers teaching materials for HS teachers. The materials span from Middle Ages to 1700s and are accessible from their website without membership to the society, entitled High School Teaching Resources. Materials include lesson plans, classroom exercises/worksheets (Analyzing Classical, Medieval, and Renaissance Art), handouts and resources (Christine de Pisan instructs women on how to handle their husbands), and online resources, such as videos and articles, foe the Renaissance.
How to cite this blog:
TMA STaff. "The 65th Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America takes place in Toronto: With a Session for Teachers." Teaching the Middle Ages, March 1, 2019; revised 2022, https://www.teachingthemiddleages.com/post/the-65th-annual-meeting-of-the-renaissance-society-of-america-takes-place-in-toronto.