Piero Boitani on “Dante and Wonder”
2 October 2019 | TMA

The Annual Dante Lecture established by Alberto and Caroline Morgan Di Giovanni in 2014 at the University of Saint Michael’s College in the University of Toronto, will host Piero Boitani on October 17, 2019. Boitani, an Italian literary critic, medievalist and Dante scholar, teaches at the University of Sapienza, Rome. He has published several books on topics of Dante, Chaucer, Shakespeare, comparative literature, medieval literature and the theory of anagnorisis (classical ecognition theory).
In 2007, he provided a seminar at the Centre for Comparative Literature as the Northrup Frye Scholar on the topic of Anagnorisis and now is back in Toronto to discuss Wonder in Dante’s works. The lecture will take place at 6PM in Alumni Hall 100.

The Tragic and the Sublime in Medieval Literature
Dante's Poetry of Donati: The Barlow Lectures on Dante Delivered at University College London, 17-18 March 2005: No. 7 (Society for Italian Studies Occasional Papers)
Winged Words: Flight in Poetry and History
English Medieval Narrative
in the Thirteenth and
Fourteenth Centuries
Dieci lezioni sui classici
(Intersezioni, 488) (Italian)
How to cite this blog:
TMA Staff. "The Annual Dante Lecture at University of Saint Michael’s College to feature Italian Scholar: Piero Boitani on 'Dante and Wonder'.” Teaching the Middle Ages, October 2, 2019, https://www.teachingthemiddleages.com/post/the-annual-dante-lecture-at-university-of-saint-michael-s-college-to-feature-italian-scholar.