Undergraduates Share their Research for Education
Teaching the Middle Ages (TMA)
Museum Spotlight
Reading the Middle Ages: the Heroic and Chivalric first sponsored conference by MARS & English Dept
Reading the Middle Ages Omeka Site to Share Undergraduate Research
The Annual Dante Lecture at University of Saint Michael’s College to feature Italian Scholar
Explore Medieval Objects and Art from Europe at the AGO
The Horse and His Boy, a World Premiere at the Shaw, Niagara-on-the-Lake
The 65th Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America takes place in Toronto
Novel Studies & Theatre beyond the Middle Ages: Mary Poppins at the Young People’s Theatre, Toronto
New Chaucer Society to Meet for Biennial International Congress in Toronto
TMA Museum Spotlight
Another Medieval Themed Narrative on Stage
Novel Studies & Theatre beyond the Middle Ages: The Secret Garden at the Young People’s Theatre
The Aga Khan Museum Offers Resources for Teachers
Museum Spotlight at TMA
Vikings at the Royal Ontario Museum
The Annual Meeting of the Medieval Academy of America (MAA) comes to Canada
The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe and other Classics on Stage in Southern Ontario
The New Aga Khan Museum in Toronto
Medieval art and objects at the Natioanl Gallery of Canada